中亚是中亚细亚的简称,在我国的西北方,地处亚欧大陆的结合部,是贯通亚欧大陆的交通枢纽。五个斯坦国中面积最大的是哈萨克斯坦,比其他四个斯坦加起来还要大两倍。 2023年,随着国内经济动能持续恢复,自治区政策叠加效应逐步显现,宁夏实体企业生产动能加速调整,内生动力不断增强,贸易结构进一步优化,外贸主体活力有效激发,“六新六特六优”产业快速成长,外贸发展呈现出基本盘扎实、韧性足、潜力大的特点。2023年宁夏外贸进出口总值205.4亿元,增速排名全国第24位。
Central Asia is the abbreviation for Central Asia, located in the northwest of China at the junction of the Eurasian continent, and is a transportation hub that connects the Eurasian continent. The largest of the five Stan countries is Kazakhstan, which is twice as large as the other four Stans combined. In 2023, with the continuous recovery of domestic economic momentum, the overlapping effect of policies in the autonomous region gradually becomes apparent. The production momentum of physical enterprises in Ningxia accelerates adjustment, the endogenous driving force continues to strengthen, the trade structure further optimizes, and the vitality of foreign trade entities is effectively stimulated. The "six new, six special, and six excellent" industries are growing rapidly, and the development of foreign trade shows characteristics of solid foundation, sufficient resilience, and great potential. In 2023, the total import and export value of Ningxia's foreign trade was 20.54 billion yuan, ranking 24th in the country in terms of growth rate.
In 2023, Ningxia's foreign trade overall showed a trend of first increasing, then decreasing, and then stabilizing. From the perspective of trade methods, general trade has exceeded 90%, and processing trade has grown exponentially. Private enterprises maintain the largest economic type, while state-owned enterprises have a good growth trend in imports and exports. Among them, the import and export of private enterprises in Ningxia amounted to 14.6 billion yuan, accounting for 71.1% of the total foreign trade value of the region; Foreign invested enterprises imported and exported 2.96 billion yuan, accounting for 14.4%; The import and export of state-owned enterprises reached 2.98 billion yuan, an increase of 27.8%. In 2023, Ningxia achieved growth in imports and exports to the European Union, ASEAN, the United States, and India. From the perspective of major imported goods, imports of mechanical and electrical products, agricultural products, and polycrystalline silicon have steadily increased. From the perspective of major export commodities, the export of basic organic chemicals and agricultural products is improving, while the export of mechanical and electrical products, pharmaceutical materials and drugs, and animal intensive products is decreasing.